Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Conference in "Celebrations on the Auspicious Occasion of His Majesty the King's 80th Birthday Anniversary"

I am attending a conference on "Alternative Development and Sufficiency Economy" (see the title of this post) as a representative of my law firm. Actually, I am THE representative from my firm. It's pretty interesting, Amartya Sen gave the keynote speech this evening. Her royal highness the princess attended. It was cool. The film crew spent ABOUT as much time filming the princess as they did filming the one blonde woman in the room (that would be me).

I was shushed by a thai woman who pulled me aside and in a very condescending manner told me to lower my voice (this was when we were all just sitting there waiting for the princess to come. So I told her that her request was very offensive to my culture and sat down. I'm such a snot.

Tonight we're going out to dinner that is being paid for by Josh's parents in celebration of our engagement. It should be nice, though I have to get up early for the second day of the conference. Only one bottle of wine I guess!

:) Elizabeth

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