Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Classes have begun...

The good news is that I only have classes on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The bad news is that none of them seem that interesting. I'm taking: European Union External Relations Law, Transformation and Integration in Europe, Law of International Organizations, European Constitutions and Constitutional Law, and Comparative Criminal Law. For those of you who know my law interests, Comparative Criminal Law should jump out as the class that is right up my alley. It looks SO fascinating. BUT in the Netherlands semesters are broken into two parts. Some courses meet in both parts, some only in part 1, others only in part 2. Comparative Criminal Law is in part 2. So I have to wait until the end of October for that one. Blah.

Josh and I are planning our first weekend trip. This one will be to Paris the last weekend of the month. Josh is taking the LSAT there (the Law School Admissions Test), so it won't be entirely for fun that we make that trip. Since I don't have class on Thursday, Friday, or Monday, we may make a long weekend of it. We have both been there, but I haven't been there in over 10 years (can you BELIEVE it, Hilary?). So it will be fun to go again. Maybe we'll do a day at the Louvre...or just walk around. It is a good thing that we both like to's fun, good exercise, and free!

That's about it. I met some friendly Canadians in one of my classes. Funny how we can all bond together over being "North American." Everyone here (literally everyone) speaks English, but it's nice to be able to speak at your normal pace with people who are not only fluent, but can follow accents, contractions, and colloquialism without effort!


P.S. and I promise a picture of Groningen soon. This city is SO quaint! If you want to read about it on Wikipedia, here is the link:

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